We had a most beautiful First Communion celebration and 32 children took their second step into full communion with the Catholic Church.  We congratulate their  parents who promised, on the day of their baptism, to raise their child in the practice of the faith.  These children were well-prepared by their parents and by Mrs. Kay Nicely (teacher of second grade in day school and PSR programs) and does an  outstanding job preparing the children to receive their first communion with Jesus.

The Annual Catholic Appeal supports Catholic Education in a variety of ways.  It  offers grants to schools, tuition assistance to families, and tuition support to Catholic school teachers.  The ACA also supports Archdiocesan Catholic High Schools like  DuBourg.  Because of your donations to the Annual Catholic Appeal, Mike Brancato can continue his formation for the permanent diaconate, engaged couples are guided through marriage preparation, elderly priests are cared for, abused and battered    woman have a safe place to reestablish their lives, and women experiencing a crisis pregnancy can find understanding and support to bring the child to life.

Thank you for your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal through the years and please discern what kind of a sacrificial offering you can make this year.  If  convenient, please stop by the ACA booth before or after Mass this weekend.  Our  volunteers are ready to assist you in your filling out your pledge card.  As always, the people of St. Dominic Savio give above and beyond our expectations.

Rose Murphy is an important co-worker with the priests and deacons, especially in her care for the sick and elderly of our parish.  Rose organizes visits to the sick and elderly and sees that they receive Holy Communion on a regular basis.  All of us are deeply grateful to the Eucharistic Ministers who give of their time on Sunday mornings.  This service to our parishioners is critical to those who cannot come to church, whether temporarily or permanently, so they can remain deeply connected with us through the Holy Eucharist.  If you know of a parishioner who cannot come to church and is in need of the Sacraments and/or a pastoral visit, please contact Rose Murphy at 314-353-7629 x33.

Fr. Meier and the finance committee decided to change the monthly envelope for “Parish Maintenance” into a “Debt Reduction” envelope in 2012 when it became clear that we were not going to meet our 2009 Capital Campaign obligations within the    five-year pledge period.  When we were not able to retire our debt on time, it was  decided to extend the campaign one year, which we did.  I am happy to report that we are well on the way to retiring that old debt and so we have switched back to the “Parish Maintenance” envelope.  The contributions you make in the “Parish Maintenance”envelope will help defray the cost of broken boilers, clogged downspouts, tree trimming and parking lot repairs to name just a few long-term maintenance items.  Thanks for all that you do to support the parish financially.


Easter Blessings,