Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. These are troubling times. It’s hard to not let our hearts be troubled with the virus and the economy. What has happened has challenged two false securities. One false security is our illusion of immortality. As we can see in this virus, our health is a lot more fragile than we realize. We put a lot faith in our health. The other false security is our finances. We put a lot of faith in our finances, but when something like this comes we realize it is all relative. The more we put our faith in these things, the more our life goes up and down. One minute, we are on top of the world and the next minute we are in the gutter.

There is only one thing, not a thing but a being, that truly provides security, God. Times like these reveal a greater truth. When are we going to stop putting are trust in our health and our money. When are we going to trust in something bigger. The secret to living is to rely on God.

We celebrate Mother’s Day this Sunday. Mothers gives us images of God. Mothers are people we can rely on. Good mothers are always there for us to help us. Mothers put flesh on God. We see this in particular with Mary, how she was loving, and comforting and nurturing to Jesus. When we peel back a good mother what we see is the heart of God. For me it’s kind of weird, but everything that has been drilled into my head makes it’s hard for me to call also God mother. Certainly God is Father, but is motherhood foreign to God or emanating from God? It is so ingrained in us to only see God as Father, but I know the heart of God because of my mother’s love.

Happy Mother’s Day,

Fr. Chris